It is our pleasure to introduce you to Mirza Imamovic and Emanuele Sala, Key Account Managers at TTControl. TTControl develops high-performance control systems and advanced electronics for off-highway vehicles like tractors, fire trucks, excavators, snow groomers, and much more. The company has more than 1,000 customers all around the world who are being looked after by experienced sales professionals like Emanuele and Mirza. Read this interview to find out more about their jobs, day-to-day work as well as the team spirit at TTControl.
Combining technical expertise and people skills
Both of you are working in sales, Key Account Management, to be precise. What’s your educational background?
Emanuele: I studied Mechanical Engineering and Management at TU Vienna. TTControl was my first real job after graduation, not counting internships.
Mirza: I initially studied Medical Engineering and then did my MA in Mechatronic Engineering. After graduation, I worked in project management but soon found out that I was more interested in the business side of things. That’s why I moved to sales.
When did you join TTControl?
Emanuele: I started five years ago as a Sales Manager for the sales region Austria. Over time, I gradually assumed responsibility for additional larger customer groups. Three years ago, my function changed, and now large OEMs – what we call key accounts – are my focus. One of the main customers I work with is the fire truck manufacturer Rosenbauer.
Mirza: I started in 2020, initially at TTTech Industrial, another TTTech Group company. I switched to TTControl last year, focusing on large agricultural customers. Emanuele was my onboarding buddy and supported me from day one. We also share an office, so he’s always around as a sparring partner (laughs).
What are important skills to have as a Key Account Manager?
Mirza: You have to be good with people, be open-minded, not shy to speak freely, and respect cultural differences. I was more attracted to sales than to engineering because you get to work a lot more with people. That said, it’s always good to have a technical background in sales as you understand the products on a deeper level.
Emanuele: I agree with Mirza. I like working with people, so sales was interesting to me. Being able to read people and be mindful of cultural differences is very important. As a half- German/half Italian myself, this is kind of in my DNA (laughs). I would add, though, that both engineering and sales need a lot of similar skills: analytical thinking, solution orientation, and understanding of the product you’re selling. Also, you need to be creative because you are dealing with a lot of unforeseen situations. I would say sales is 70% creativity.
Sharing appreciation, finding purpose
What does your typical day look like?
Emanuele: Every day is different. I travel to see customers a couple of times a month, but mostly I support our customers remotely. A lot has changed since the COVID-19 pandemic, and much of the interaction has moved online. What’s most important is to stay in touch with customers and inform them as soon as possible about updates, be it via an online meeting, a roadshow, a sales tour, or just a quick check-in. I would say it’s a good mix between desk work and travel.

Mirza: Yes, keeping the customer informed is our most important task. Customers need to be informed as early as possible, both about current and future business aspects. It is our way of showing appreciation. We are a full-package provider and it’s important to constantly stay in touch, also on a personal level. You have to see the human behind the company because we really want to be a partner to them.
What makes you feel proud of your work?
Mirza: When I see that we are accepted by our customers and they are thankful for the solutions we provide. I went to a customer’s Supplier Day earlier this year and felt like we were one of the best companies there because of how well our products were received. Our customers know exactly what they want, and it makes me proud to meet their high expectations.

Emanuele: I always feel proud when I see one of the machines we’ve worked on out in the field. If you’re interested in machines, you can get to know any kind of machine you’ve ever dreamed of, like firefighting trucks, agricultural machinery, or even small robots for oil platforms. We are part of the HYDAC family, so we also get to experience trends like electrification and fuel cell applications firsthand.
Mirza: Yes, I love that I can just point to a machine and say to my little daughter: “Do you see that tractor? We have products inside that make it move!” You can see the purpose behind the product.
What’s your favorite machine?
Mirza: The Rosenbauer hybrid firetruck, it’s so high-tech.
Emanuele: Firetrucks are nice, but it’s hard to say because there are so many interesting machines. Maybe mining machines – they’re several times the size of a human.
Communication is the key to a healthy team environment
How would you describe the work environment at TTControl?
Emanuele: It’s a lot of fun to work in our team. My team lead Felix has mentored me since I was a junior. I got the chance to participate in our internal talent development program TalentWise and share what I learned with the rest of the team. There are lots of different personalities, which sometimes clash, but I think that’s healthy. It never gets boring. What’s important is that we all keep working on our communication skills, so we can resolve potential conflicts and understand each other even better.
Mirza: We have flat hierarchies, and it feels more like a startup, even though we’re part of a large company. When I moved from one TTTech company to another, the culture was the same. My team is one of the reasons I enjoy going to work. It’s important to constantly work on maintaining good relationships with people, be open-minded in your communication and speak openly about your expectations.
What kind of person should apply for a job at TTControl?
Mirza: People who are flexible, adaptable, resilient, capable of multitasking, and have a positive attitude.
Emanuele: Yes, I think a positive attitude always helps to be more creative and solution-oriented. A background in engineering is also an asset, at least in sales.
How do you help each other keep a positive mindset when the going gets tough?
Emanuele: Stupid jokes (laughs).
Mirza: And sharing information. Finding time to listen to your colleagues.
Emanuele: Yes, sometimes it’s enough to just listen to people. Having somebody who listens to you goes a long way. Open and transparent communication is key. Speak to someone if you have a problem.
Find out more about careers at TTControl here.