By 2050, the global population will have grown by 2 billion to a total of 9.7 billion, according to the United Nations. Increasing agricultural productivity and sustainable food production is critical to provide this population with food. Smart farming achieved through Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies can create higher precision agriculture to help meet this demand.
The €8 million project 'IntellIoT', funded by the European Commission, will champion intelligent, autonomous agricultural solutions by executing semi-autonomous IoT applications for AI-enabled systems. TTControl is leading the agricultural use case of the project and will investigate the use of high-end control units for the semi-autonomous control of agricultural vehicles. They will also research the functionality to exchange information between the vehicles and the human operator in a secure and reliable manner.
At the core of the agricultural project is the development of a framework for an intelligent IoT environment in agriculture. This will be based around the prototype of an electrically operated tractor. The project consortium will investigate the integration of computation, communication and interaction technologies into this platform to allow semiautonomous operation.
The expected findings on smart farming will support sustainable, more efficient and more productive agriculture in the future: “Highly autonomous farming machinery will enable a more efficient and sustainable way of working and contribute to securing the global food supply,” says Manfred Prammer, Managing Director of TTControl. “We are happy to advance this project with sophisticated TTControl technologies to take the next step towards smart farming.”
Apart from agriculture, IntellIoT will foster the creation of IoT solutions applicable to manufacturing and healthcare, while fomenting an ecosystem united by a shared vision committed to privacy, security and trust, in which the intelligence of humans and devices can seamlessly intertwine. The aim is to overcome limitations of the traditional cloud-centric IoT such as unreliable connectivity, privacy concerns, or high round-trip times.
The IntellIoT project comprises a consortium of 13 partners spread across 9 countries, coordinated by Siemens AG: EURECOM, Aalborg University, University of Oulu, TTControl GmbH, Telecommunication Systems Institute, Technical University of Crete, Philips, Sphynx Analytics Ltd., University of St. Gallen, Holo-Industrie 4.0 Software GmbH, AVL Commercial Driveline & Tractor Engineering GmbH, Startup Colors UG as well as University General Hospital of Heraklion.
Read more in TTControl’s Press Release
This project has received funding from the European Community’s H2020 program under grant agreement no. 957218.
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