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TTTech Aerospace has successfully completed the final stage SOI4 for its TTEEnd System A664 Core IP in collaboration with a leading,…
This article has been published first on ATZheavy duty worldwide By Arno Purkrabek, Team Lead Product Management at TTControl
TTTech Industrial is pleased to announce that Thomas Berndorfer is expanding the scope of his role as Member of the Executive Board at TTTech…
On June 30, 2021, the H2020 project Change2Twin launches its second Open Call to support European manufacturing companies in their digitization using…
TTTech Aerospace und RUAG Space liefern die TTEthernet-Netzwerk- und Computing-Plattform für den von Northrop Grumman gebauten Wohn- und Logistik-…
NASA's Gateway is part of a program that plans to land the first woman and first person of color on the moon. The habitation and logistics outpost (…
TTTech Aerospace and its space products design and manufacturing partner RUAG Space will deliver the TTEthernet network and computing platform for…
Online shopping had been on the rise even before the COVID-19 crisis, but the world-wide lock downs that accompanied the pandemic firmly cemented the…
TTTech Industrial Automation AG announced it has acquired core technology and strategic customers from Nebbiolo Technologies in May. It also founded…
TTTech Industrial Automation AG announces that it has acquired core technology and strategic customers from Nebbiolo Technologies in a deal closed in…
TTTech Industrial has acquired pioneering technology and strategic customers from Nebbiolo Technologies The deal will result in the world’s most…
TTTech Aerospace has appointed industry expert Aaron Tsang as VP Engineering & Product Development Aerospace. He will lead the aerospace and…
Digital twin is the trend of the hour in the industrial IoT. Many companies dream of having this digital reproduction of a product, process or…
Automation, Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision are trending technologies for off-highway vehicle and mobile machine manufacturers. To help…
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