October 2020 marked the successful completion of Productive 4.0, Europe’s largest research project in the field of digital industry. The project had…
A joint paper submitted by TTTech Labs Corporate Scientist Silviu Craciunas with researchers from the Technical University of Denmark, has won the…
In the brochure “Powering the Digital Transformation in Europe” recently published by the European research funding program conducted by the ECSEL…
The UP2DATE project team held its kick-off event in Bologna earlier this year. UP2DATE is an EU funded project that seeks to provide new software…
After a duration of almost four years, the EU funded project to create a Space Ethernet Physical Layer Transceiver (SEPHY) was completed at the end…
Vienna, Austria – July 22, 2019
TTTech and Cranfield University have established an R&D partnership in the area of embedded networks and related technologies. The university’s…
June 25, 2008
FH JOANNEUM GesmbH, Graz, and TTTech Computertechnik AG, Vienna, successfully launched the CAPTAIN research project. CAPTAIN stands…