ADACORSA – Airborne data collection on resilient system architectures
Project Description
ADACORSA aims to strengthen the European drone industry and increase public and regulatory acceptance of BVLOS (beyond visual line-of-sight) drones, by demonstrating technologies for safe, reliable and secure drone operation in all situations and flight phases.
The project will drive research and development of components and systems for sensing, telecommunication and data processing along the electronics value-chain. Additionally, drone lead smart industries with high visibility and place for improvement will be developed which will pave the way for a higher public / industry acceptance of drone technologies.
In particular, the mission of ADACORSA is as follows:
- Develop technologies for operations beyond visual line-of-sight
- Regulatory framework: EASA Specific Operations Risk Assessment (SORA)
- Develop technologies that contribute to increased trust in civilian drone operations
- Higher reliability of data and communications increase trust
- Increased trackability of drones and transparency of operations
- Bring relevant automotive technology to the drone industry
- Cost-effective and tested on ground
- Leverage European primacy in automotive technologies and strengthen industry’s capability in cross-domain technologies

Within the project, 35 physical as well as virtual demonstrators of BLVOS, long-range drone flight shall pave the way toward certifiable systems for future integration of drone operations.
ADACORSA's innovations will leverage the expertise of a very strong consortium, comprising world renowned industrial (OEMs, Tier-1, Tier-2 and technology providers) and research partners along the complete aviation, semiconductor and also automotive value chains, providing Europe with a competitive edge in a growing drone and drone technologies market.
ADACORSA receives funding from the European H2020 Research and Innovation Actions programme, ECSEL Joint Undertaking under grant agreement no. 876019 and from the Austrian Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology under the funding programme “IKT der Zukunft” (Austrian national funding for ECSEL), grant agreement no. 877588.
The main goal of TTTech in the ADACORSA project is to research into the topic of safety and performance of drone control systems; design optimized avionics interface concepts to support future drone applications with different mixed-criticality data communication.
TTTech will participate in the definition of requirements to a SWaP-optimized computing platform and its HW/SW architectures. SWaP-optimized means Size, Weight and Power optimized considering the physical size, weight and power consumption of a piece of equipment intended for the use in flight.
The prototypical implementation of the platform will be based on a Deterministic Ethernet backbone to realize a fail-operational drone avionics network. The main tasks of TTTech are related to system design concepts of the HW/SW architectures and their interfaces.
Anna Ryabokon