Project Description
RetNet is the European Industrial Doctorate Programme on Future Real-Time Networks launched under the EC Marie Sklodowska-Curie scheme. This is a joint project between Mälardalen University in Sweden as academic and TTTech Austria as industrial partner. RetNet provides in-depth scientific and applied training to five selected early stage researchers and supports them over three years towards their PhDs. The project is supported by a range of academic and industrial advisors such as Volvo Construction Equipment, ABB and the Vienna University of Technology.
The general aim of the proposed research program is twofold: (1) to advance the state of the art and practice in predictable real-time and internet networking and (2) training of early stage researchers to prepare them for careers in advanced technical development and research. By (1) the program will contribute to strengthen the competitiveness of European industry and engineering research. By (2) the programme will provide competence that could play key roles in the European research and development of advanced products for many years to come.
The technological basis for RetNet is the predictable communication network technology that has been constantly matured and developed into products by the private sector partner TTTech. This program aims to substantially broaden the applicability of this technology by (1) developing a wireless version of TTTech’s TTEthernet technology, addressing the fundamental scientific challenge of providing dependable wireless communication, and (2) increasing the flexibility of TTTech’s TTEthernet technology by extending it with on-line adaption and admission of traffic, thereby making the technology applicable in more dynamic “internet-like” settings. Use cases from multiple industrial domains will guide the research and form the basis for evaluation and demonstration.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 607727.
TTTech is the industrial partner of the joint European Industrial Doctorate Programme RetNet project and provides the technological basis for all developments in form of its TTEthernet technology. The company embeds the researchers in its TTTech Labs research department and thereby offers both comprehensive scientific guidance and access to technological expertise to the researchers.
TTTech directly employs three out of the five RetNet early stage researchers and provides the industrial training to all five students. The individual research projects of the RetNet researchers are grouped around real-world use cases and research challenges that are closely related to the future goals of TTTech’s TTEthernet technology, including security, wireless and dynamic networking extensions.
Anna Ryabokon