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SAFURE: Safety And Security by Design for Interconnected Mixed-Critical Cyber-Physical Systems

Project Description

SAFURE targets the design of cyber-physical systems by implementing a methodology that ensures safety and security "by construction". To this aim, a framework capable of extending its system capabilities so as to control the concurrent effects of security threats on the system behaviour will be developed.

The general approach for security on safety-critical embedded systems is to keep subsystems separated. However, this is now being challenged by the technological evolution towards openness, increased communications and the use of multi-core architectures.

The objectives of SAFURE are (1) to implement a holistic approach to safety and security of embedded dependable systems, preventing and detecting potential attacks; (2) to empower designers and developers with analysis methods, development tools and execution capabilities that jointly consider security and safety; (3) to set the ground for the development of SAFURE-compliant mixed-critical embedded products.

The results of SAFURE will be (1) a framework with the capability to detect, prevent and protect itself from security threats on safety. Moreover, it will be able to monitor potential attacks to system integrity from time, energy, temperature and data threats (from the application level to the hardware level); (2) a methodology that supports the joint design of safety and security of embedded systems, assisting the designer and developers with tools and modelling languages extensions; (3) a proof-of concept through three industrial use cases from the automotive and telecommunication domains; (4) recommendations for extensions of standards to integrate security on safety-critical systems; (5) specifications to design and develop SAFURE-compliant products.

SAFURE will help European suppliers of safety-critical embedded products to develop more cost and energy-aware solutions. To ensure this impact, a community will be created around the project. SAFURE comprises seven industrial manufacturers, four leading universities and research centres as well as one SME.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 644080.


TTTech will contribute to the specification of use cases, safety and security requirements as well as the overall framework specification. The security analysis and security implementation for Time-Triggered Ethernet will be a goal of this project too. As an established company we will contribute to the continuous screening of the automotive and telecommunications safety-critical networking market TTTech will focus and participate actively in the standardization of safety-critical Ethernet in the respective IEEE 802.1 working groups.

Csm Safure 8c3389c198

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