aerOS – Autonomous, scalablE, tRustworthy, intelligent European meta Operating System for the IoT edge-cloud continuum
The project aerOS aims at transparently utilizing the resources on the edge-to-cloud computing continuum for enabling applications in an effective manner, incorporating multiple services deployed on such a path. Therefore, aerOS will establish the missing piece: a common meta-operating system that follows a collaborative IoT-edge–cloud architecture supporting flexible deployments (e.g., federated or hierarchical), bringing tremendous benefits as it enables the distribution of intelligence and computation – including Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), and big data analytics – to achieve an optimal solution while satisfying the given constraints.
aerOS will continue developments leading toward achieving IoT edge-cloud continuum, by integrating relevant technologies, elements of connectivity, IoT, AI, data autonomy and cybersecurity. The proposed meta operating system will support distribution and data sharing across the IoT edge-cloud continuum and will enable orchestration of resources and services, by providing mechanisms for data processing and application of intelligence, in particular, close to where the data is produced.

This project has received funding from Horizon Europe, the EU’s key funding programme for research and innovation, under grant agreement No 101069732.

In this project TTControl is edge provider, use case leader and dissemination task leader.
In particular, TTControl focuses in the project on new electronic vehicle architectures and on a High-Performance Computing Platform (HPCP) prototype to provide connectivity from vehicle to vehicle from everywhere in real-time for large-scale mobile machinery systems on one hand, but also deliver certain real-time performance to manage the overall system remotely and controlling (i.e. supervising) execution of the e.g. agricultural or construction machine work process.
In a joint use case, the project partners TTControl and John Deere are targeting to develop a platform that has the potential to reduce the CO2 footprint in areas like agriculture, construction, or forestry.
The developed solution will be capable of e.g. performing computational tasks in support of demonstrating a fully electric swarm of vehicles safely and securely operating e.g. in platooning or other swarm combinations. It will bring higher performance and connectivity capabilities vs. existing solutions brought to the mobile machinery. Using IoT services, also edge computing is foreseen for more critical tasks like e.g. field borders in the overall system to, for instance, enable real-time control. The HPCP use case will be deployed and validated in John Deere’s European Technology Innovation Center in Kaiserslautern.


Francesca Flamigni