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ARCHIMEDES: Trusted lifetime in operation for a circular economy

Project description:

In ARCHIMEDES, components, models, and methodologies will be developed, to increase the efficiency and lifetime of the electric propulsion systems, power generation technology, and energy storage devices in automotive, aviation, and infrastructure domains. The goal of the project is to improve the average lifespan of hardware components from the current average of 1 - 3 years to up to 20 years and this contribute to a resilient, carbon-free, digitized and green EU. It will help build trust in the new technology and thus accelerate the energy transition, safety and security.

The project aims to reach five main objectives:

  • to pave the way towards a new area of technological advances that will realise trusted extended Lifetime and MTBF for GaN, SiC, MEMS devices monitored with an ultra-stable Quantum reference, targeting up to 120 000 h of lifetime extension,
  • to deliver eco-design-based technological innovations that will lead to the deployment of Digital assets and Services for ECS to ensure extended lifetime,
  • to deploy efficient mechanisms that will facilitate and enable Standardization and Qualification Procedures fostering economy of scale,
  • to realise accelerated energy transition in automotive, infrastructure and aviation domains; it will also strengthen the pan-European ecosystem exploiting the new era of power electronics in the three complementary industries,
  • to ensure the deployment of tools, technologies and mechanisms that will strengthen Europe’s competitiveness for a resilient, cyclic economy.

ARCHIMEDES receives funding within the Key Digital Technologies Joint Undertaking (KDT JU) - the Public-Private Partnership for research, development and innovation under Horizon Europe – and National Authorities under Grant Agreement No 101112295.


Logo co-funded by the EU

ARCHIMEDES receives funding within the Key Digital Technologies Joint Undertaking (KDT JU) - the Public-Private Partnership for research, development and innovation under Horizon Europe – and National Authorities under Grant Agreement No 101112295.

ARCHIMEDES project logo

  1. AVL List
  2. AVL SET GmbH
  3. STMicroelectronics SA
  4. Affiliated: STMicroelectronics Grenoble SAS
  5. Affiliated: STMicroelectronics SAS Rousset
  6. STMicroelectronics Italy
  7. Mercedes Benz AG
  8. Laboratoire de Génie Electrique de Grenoble
  9. Commissariat à l’énergie atomique et.
  10. Université Gustave Eiffel
  11. STMicroelectronics Sweden
  12. Ostbayerische Techn. Hochschule
  13. IFP Énergies nouvelles
  14. IRT St Exupery
  15. ISEA RWTH Aachen
  16. TU Riga
  17. Murata
  18. Nextmove
  19. Renault
  20. Safran Electrical & Power
  21. Schneider Electric
  22. Sherpa Engineering
  23. SOITEC
  24. Brno University of Technology
  25. Teraglobus
  26. Institute of Electronics and Computer Science
  27. Valeo
  28. Vedecom
  30. Watt and Well S.A.S
  31. SafeTRANS
  32. Infineon Austria
  33. Information Technology for Market Leadership
  34. Silicon Austria Labs GmbH
  35. Tokyo Electron
  36. Institut mikroelektronických aplikací s.r.o.
  37. VIF
  38. Universität Stuttgart / ILH
  39. I&M
  40. Bundesministerium für Landesverteidigung
  41. Zentrum am Berg
  42. Harokopio University of Athens
  43. TTTech Auto Germany
  44. Advantec GmbH
  45. Stellantis
  46. Friedrich Alexander Universität
  47. iCTLab SRL
  48. PUMACY
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