January 7, 2014
Audi showcases "Vorsprung durch Technik" at the CES in Las Vegas by introducing key-enabling technologies for the piloted car with its technology partner TTTech, the leading provider of reliable network solutions based on time-triggered technology and modular safety platforms. TTTech's Advanced Driver Assistance System Platform enables Audi to integrate a variety of innovative functions with multiple safety criticality levels like piloted parking or driving.
Piloted driving is fast becoming a reality. By striving for the best and most mature safety technologies in the market, Audi has identified TTTech with its key enabling technologies for this important automotive innovation more than a decade ago.
During the very successful strategic partnership with Audi, TTTech has already introduced the networking technology Deterministic Ethernet (TTEthernet), a fully location transparent and observable middleware (TTIntegration) and its multi-criticality safety platform (TTSafety) with market leaders in the aerospace, space and industrial markets. In fact the next NASA spacecraft, the ORION Multi-Purpose Crew-Vehicle (MPCV), deploys TTTech’s TTEthernet technology as the core network for its avionics systems. Most recently TTTech has started to work with Cisco to establish Deterministic Ethernet as an enabling technology for the real-time Internet of Things (IoT).
These activities have helped to establish an eco-system of semiconductor and software suppliers consisting of Altera, Infineon Technologies, NVIDIA, NXP, Texas Instruments, Vector Informatik, Wind River and Xilinx, who are supporting and contributing key elements to TTTech’s world-class and highly robust and networked computer platforms.
This cooperation between Audi, TTTech and innovative high-tech suppliers for the piloted car demonstrates the convergence of information and control technology. It will result in a highly integrated platform ECU named zFAS, which is based on a complex multicore network, hosting sophisticated sensor fusion and a variety of innovative functions with multiple safety criticality levels like piloted parking or driving.
"Our goal is leadership in piloted parking and piloted driving. For this purpose TTTech and Audi are developing a highly advanced high performance central electronic control unit,” explains Ricky Hudi, Head of Electronics, AUDI AG. “It will feature performance and computing capacity superior to the entire electronic architecture of today's Audi A4. With this high performance system we are entering the path towards piloted parking and driving in an entirely connected world."
"We are proud to leap forward with our cross-industry-proven core technology components towards Audi’s vision of piloted driving," states Dr. Stefan Poledna, member of TTTech's executive board and co-founder.