The NASA Artemis program is one of the largest space projects of our time and will continue to include future generations. Technology from Austria is playing a big part. The Viennese high-tech company TTTech is on board, among others, on the Lunar Gateway space station and delivers communication technology for the setup of the data network (essentially the ‘central nervous system’). The key components were developed with the support of the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG), the Austrian Ministry of Climate Action (BMK), and the European Space Agency ESA in close cooperation with Beyond Gravity Austria.
NASA‘s Lunar Gateway is a modular space station in lunar orbit that is being built by NASA and its international partners (among them the European Space Agency ESA, the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency JAXA and its Canadian counterpart CSA). It will be used as an autonomous stopover for missions to the Moon and in future enable missions to Mars. TTTech contributes to the U.S. modules, and now also to ESA’s Lunar I-Hab, the key module built by Europe for the new space station. I-Hab offers accommodation for up to four astronauts, as well as rooms for research activities. A renowned Austrian architecture firm is also among those working on the design of the habitat.
This has been made possible thanks to the close cooperation with FFG, BMK and ESA: “The design of technical components and solutions for space is very complex. Everything needs to be tested thoroughly to meet the high requirements of NASA and ESA programs. In Austria we have the technology and the know-how, but being successful in the highly competitive global space market requires a lot more. The products that we are offering for the Lunar Gateway contracts have been developed together with our partners such as Beyond Gravity Austria in ESA-funded projects. They are the basis for gaining additional contracts and thus strengthen the Austrian space industry,“ explains Christian Fidi, who is responsible for TTTech’s aerospace business (TTTech Aerospace).
Secure communication thanks to Viennese technology
The development of electronics for space is very challenging: spacecraft, space stations, but also all components that are built into them, need to withstand extreme temperature fluctuations, vibrations, and shocks, as well as intense cosmic radiation over long periods of time. Connectivity between the devices on board as well as with ground stations on Earth is particularly important, as only continuous data transfer enables all relevant information to be reach the astronauts and the ground stations.
The basis of TTTech‘s products is the communication technology TTEthernet. It ensures secure and highly reliable data communication in the Lunar Gateway modules. TTTech works together with Beyond Gravity Austria, Austria’s largest space supplier and renowned developer and manufacturer of space components, on the Lunar Gateway modules.
Fidi sees a lot of potential for TTTech Aerospace on the space market and in particular for NASA Artemis: „We are in a good position for further contracts within the NASA Artemis program in the coming years. TTEthernet is the core technology used as basis for communication networks in NASA Artemis. We have a starting advantage, as it is used in all missions. Thanks to the support of BMK and FFG we can provide the international space market with secure and reliable networking solutions for a wide range of applications – from launchers to transport vehicles, spacecraft, and space stations.”
The next milestones are already on the horizon: The first crewed flight of the Orion spacecraft, Artemis II, where TTTech is also on board, is scheduled for late 2025.

Lunar Gateway with Orion Raumkapsel
(Copyright: ESA 2021 / infographic © TTTech Aerospace)