Considering TTTech’s vision: “Advancing safe technologies, improving human lives” it goes without saying that sustainability is on top of our agenda.
Sustainability at TTTech
Protecting our planet by reducing the CO2 footprint
Climate change is one of the major issues affecting our world and mastering the challenge to slow down and finally stop climate change is a key to keeping our planet livable. For this to be achieved, the emission of climate-damaging gases needs to be reduced as much as possible. Carbondioxide (CO2) is seen as a major contributor to the greenhouse effect, and in the context of TTTech’s business activities it is by far the most important one.

Assuming responsibility to reduce CO2 emissions, TTTech has thoroughly evaluated the respective footprint and set several measures to reduce it:
- TTTech pursues the goal of using electricity from renewables as much as possible. Some locations (including the major sites in Vienna and Munich) have already switched to “green” electricity, others will follow.
- In addition, TTTech policies support avoiding CO2 emission in many areas. A comprehensive remote working policy not only meets expectations of employees, but also reduces commuting between home and office, thus avoiding emissions caused by traveling.
- Business travel has been reduced considerably, and travel by train is encouraged. To deliver products and services that fully meet our customers’ expectations, sometimes air travel is unavoidable. TTTech supports selected projects to compensate for the CO2 emission resulting from flights.

Sustainability all along the way – and of course the supply chain
TTTech is a company without its own manufacturing sites, making it particularly important to ensure that the supply chain meets sustainability requirements. Our partner network consits of companies that manufacture our products close to our office locations to minimize the environmental footprint caused by shipping and business travel to our suppliers. In addition, we request our EMS (electronic manufacturing services) partners to be certified according to ISO 14001 and to comply with all legal requirements such as the Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive (RoHS) and the European Union regulation on Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH).
A systematic approach – certified
A company works best and achieves the intended results when all organizational gear wheels mesh. Being focused on serving our customers and society as a whole, our processes fully comply with the standard ISO 9001. Even though this is a quality management standard, it also addresses some of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, among others, “no poverty”, “industry, innovation and infrastructure”, “responsible production and consumption”.
TTTech Group is strongly driving the improvement of its environmental performance. To ensure that the organizational gears fully transmit the power of these activities, TTTech has decided to complete the implementation of an Environmental Management System. Compliance with the standard ISO 14001 addresses twelve UN Sustainable Development Goals, such as “zero poverty”, “good health and well-being”, “quality education”, “clean water and sanitation”, “affordable and clean energy”, “decent work and economic growth”, “climate action” – important societal goals that TTTech fully subscribes to.
Sustainability – the holistic view
Protecting our environment is one of today’s key responsibilities. Yet, true sustainability encompasses much more than just environmental protection, as is reflected in the UN Sustainable Development Goals. TTTech activities beyond those presented above address many additional important sustainability aspects. We offer employment and personal development opportunities based on the conviction that all people shall have equal rights and opportunities – TTTech’s highly skilled experts and managers represent more than 60 nationalities.
Half a century ago, Peter Drucker coined the term “knowledge worker” – a perfect description of TTTech Group’s staff. Accordingly, continual training and education opportunities offer lifelong learning opportunities for all. By fostering continuous education, TTTech not only ensures to have the right competences to meet customer expectations, we are also convinced that knowledge, creativity and competence are key to master the challenges of our century.
Sustainability in numbers
Quality & Certifications
TTTech’s solutions considerably improve the approach of transportation and automation industries to safety-critical data communication with respect to cost, safety, and development efficiency.
Quality is a key feature of TTTech’s solutions and a crucial factor to create an environment of success for our customers. We strive to provide the means to implement our quality policy through permanent and continual improvement of our processes.

Quality and Sustainability Policy
Advancing safe technologies, improving human lives – at TTTech, we translate our vision into our TTTech Group strategic goals and daily operations.
Accordingly, we have committed ourselves to highest standards in quality, product safety, and security, in protecting the environment and preventing pollution, in providing safe and healthy working conditions, and in preventing work-related injuries and ill health by eliminating hazards and reducing risks in the work environment. This applies to our employees, our visitors, contractors working on site and customers using our products.
We are committed to meeting all applicable requirements, legal regulations, and compliance obligations.
We believe in the power of collaboration: Internally, involving all employees across all TTTech Group locations, and externally, via cooperation with customers, suppliers, other ecosystem partners as well as society in general, considering the changing needs and expectations of all stakeholders.
We continually improve our Management System to meet legal, contractual, and other relevant requirements as well as our stakeholders’ expectations, and to enhance the quality, security, safety, environmental, and health and safety performance of our products and operations.
Our full commitment to continual improvement is also reflected in our effort to define clear objectives in all areas and monitoring the achievements based on an Objectives & Key Results system.
We continually improve our Management System to meet legal, contractual, and other relevant requirements as well as our stakeholders’ expectations, and to enhance the quality, security, safety, environmental, and health and safety performance of our products and operations.
Our full commitment to continual improvement is also reflected in our effort to define clear objectives in all areas and monitoring the achievements based on an Objectives & Key Results system.
Certification Scope
TTTech Aerospace Division has been certified according to EN/AS 9100. The scope of the certificate comprises the development of software and hardware for safety-critical applications in the aerospace industry.
TTControl, TTTech Auto and TTTech Industrial are ISO 9001-certified for the development of software and hardware solutions for safety-critical applications.
To ensure highest quality standards for automotive solutions TTTech applies development processes based on ISO 26262 and Automotive SPICE.
Our certified competence in the aerospace and automotive industries forms a solid basis for transferring know-how to additional other domains. TTTech’s expertise in time-triggered communication contributes to the development of safe and fault-tolerant systems in other industries.

The TTTech Group expressly commits to responsible corporate management, thus it can continue to grow sustainably. Corporate risks should be minimized, on the one hand, by complying with the applicable local and international legal framework conditions and, on the other hand, using ethically sound and transparently designed processes. The TTTech Group Code of Conduct seeks to clearly and understandably express the essential values of TTTech and the resulting principles for all business processes.
This Code of Conduct applies to all members of the Management and Supervisory Boards, to managers and employees, as well as to all persons acting for the TTTech Group, regardless of their position, function and level of employment. The TTTech Group comprises TTTech Computertechnik AG and TTTech Auto AG as well as all organizational units in which these two companies directly or indirectly hold at least 50%.

Compliance at TTTech
Whistleblowing platform
TTTech is strongly and unconditionally committed to complying with all applicable laws and regulations. As part of this compliance culture, we are determined to identify any misconduct within the company as quickly as possible, resolve it, and take necessary remedial actions.
We expect our employees to act in accordance with our compliance and quality principles while performing professional duties. All acts, processes, and decisions must comply with the applicable laws, standards, and other requirements. In order to maintain these high standards, we have established a whistleblowing channel, which allows employees, suppliers, and third parties to report easily and confidentially any unlawful, unethical, or inappropriate conduct or process.
We at TTTech are committed to protecting the reporters. At the same time, we are determined to prevent and sanction the willful dissemination of false and/or malicious accusations. The whistleblowing channel must not be used to make false accusations against others or report information that reporters know is untrue.
The provisions of the relevant whistleblowing policy can be found online within the whistleblowing channel. They will guide reporters in submitting their reports.